Lay aside every weight and sin

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1).
I did some comparisons to see the similarities between life and running a race:
1. There is a start and end point. Not all of us may have started well. We might not have been born with high intelligence, or gone to the best school, or had money entrusted to us. But it is important to finish well – by being faithful and obedient to the Lord.
2. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to keep our pace and persevere when we run up the slope.
3. Life is about winning. We all want to win.
4. We are competing against someone. In life, our competitors are our flesh, the world, and the devil. Our competitors are not our schoolmates or colleagues. Our flesh, the world, and the devil want us to lose, to be defeated, to give up, be discouraged, worry, fear, doubt the goodness and wisdom of God, be lazy, procrastinate, disobey, do our own thing rather than obeying God.
5. There is a prize at the end of the race. We run to win eternal rewards, and above all, to win the smile of God.
6. There are risks to take. Whatever risk we take, we commit to the Lord and He will establish our ways.
7. We need a game plan to win. Life’s game plan is to pray, read the Bible, witness, serve, be part of a church.
8. There are rules to play by. Life’s rules are determined by our Creator, and can be found in His Word. By doing according to His Word, the path will ultimately lead to success.
9. Discipline. Every runner disciplines himself to eat the right kind of food and avoid certain food. To succeed in life, we must say no to temptation and any desire that would draw us away from God or from living a blameless, godly life. And discipline ourselves to follow the Lord.
10. Practice, practice, practice. We need to live out the Christian life. To grow stronger, we practice our faith.