Control That Craving

A Buddhist monk was asked by a missionary: “What is your desire?” “Nothing.” “Where are you going?” “Nowhere.” “Where have you come from?” “Nowhere.” He wanted to be a blank. He ardently desired to be a blank!
So desire was still there, turned toward the absence of desire. How do you go about controlling your strong urges?
Are these urges with in you too strong for you to handle? By your repression? Do you push them under? Repressed instincts are like bad boys who, when put out of class, retaliate by throwing stones at the windows. It’s better to keep the bad boys in class, and teach them to direct their energies to better ends.
Cravings or urges cannot be repressed or suppressed. Why? Because we are born with them! But we still have the sinful nature within us. Read Romans 7 for the remedy.
By your expression? If the answer is not to be found in repression, then is it to be found in expression? Shall we give free rein to the urges within us?
No, for that would lead us into deeper bondage. Shall we try to eliminate them? By no known process can these driving urges be eliminated. Put them out of the door and they will climb back in through the window, often in disguise. If we can’t eliminate the driving urges by repressing or expressing –
Then what can we do? By your submission!
We must allow the Holy Spirit to take them over. Our urges are properly fulfilled only when-
– they are submitted and surrendered to the will of God. When we allow the Holy Spirit to get
into the driving seat of our personalities, then we are in safe hands.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:1, 2).