See the Star

“The Evening and the Morning were the First Day” (Genesis 1:5).
How different is God’s method from man’s!
The creature works from day to night!
His best is first.
The Creator’s days begin with the preceding eve.
To Him-
Evening first!
Then morning!!
Are you disappointed in Christian life/work?
Remember that God wrought on through long dark ages-
– before His plans were evolved in order and beauty!
The foundation-stone of redemption was laid amid the gloom of Calvary!!
Are you passing through the bitterness?
For weeks there has been no ray of comfort, no sign of deliverance.
Yet every dark hour is hastening toward the dawn.
You shall see your Beloved walking toward you in the morning light.
Are you in despair?
The times are dark, and threaten to get darker.
But if the first creation began in the dark,
Can it be wondered at that the second must begin there to?
But as the one emerged in daylight, so shall the other.
The morning comes!
See the star of day standing sentry!
“For…weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning!” Psalm 30:5.