Examine Every Area

God uses a variety of methods to get our attention-
-if we are not willing to focus on Him!
Sometimes He gives us-
– a word from a believer;
– an unanswered prayer;
Sometimes He allows-
– a tragedy,
– a restless spirit.
– a disappointment,
– a financial difficulty,
– a crisis and among other ways.
Whatever method God chooses to bring you within His will-
– is perfect and is born of His love.
He has plans for you and will keep you-
– in precise accordance with those plans if you obey Him.
It is when we cease travelling on the path He has chosen for us-
– that God has to get our attention!
He may use-
– one method today,
– another next week,
– another next year!
He always acts out of love.
He sees not only your present but also your future.
Our response should be-
– to examine every area and circumstance of our lives and
– to ask the Lord to clarify what He is trying to show us and
– how He wants us to proceed.
God got Samuel’s attention!
He told God that he was “listening.”
This particular Hebrew word means:
“to hear with a view to obeying.”
Samuel answered with clear intentions to obey-
– though he had no idea what God would say next (1 Samuel 3:1-10).
May his response be our model!