Strive Not So Much to Succeed

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it” (Mark 8:35-36).
Strive not so much to succeed!
I remember addressing a group of ministers.
I told them the story of my own failures-
– which at that time amounted to a great many, and I said:
“The lesson I have learned from my failures is that I don’t have to succeed.
I have to do the right thing under God’s guidance and leave success or failure in His hands.”
One of the ministers came to me afterwards and said, “I am a pastor of one of the largest churches in this area and regarded by my peers as one of the most successful ministers in my denomination. But today you have helped me overcome the greatest pressure in my life – the pressure to succeed.”
In the early years of my ministry-
I was extremely success-oriented!
When I succeeded, I felt good.
When I failed, I felt devastated.
Then God said to me quite bluntly one day-
“Are you willing to be a failure for Mysake?”
The question shook me rigid.
God called Ezekiel for a ministry of failure.
He said to him,”The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and stubborn…for they are a rebellious house.”
Then God gave him a book that described his mission “on both sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe” (Ezekiel.2:4, 5, 10).
The fruit of the Spirit is-
– not only love, joy and peace
– but also longsuffering! (Gal.5:22).
It was a whole week later before I found sufficient grace to answer that question with a “Yes!”
And when I did, I was instantly released from the two things that had crippled my life and ministry:
– the pressure to succeed!
– and the fear of failure!!
What matters is not succeeding or failing.
But being faithful to Him!
God has not called us-
– to be successful
– but to be faithful!
Success and failure are in His hands.
I am not-
– on the way to success!
I am on the Way!!
Success in life is-
– neither achievement nor accomplishment!
It is the fulfilment of God’s will in my life!!