Fearing Any Flood?

“The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves” (Psalm 93:3).
What do you do when you find yourself threatened by the floods of wickedness?
What did the psalmist do?
He looked at God’s throne!
“The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength. Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved. Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting.” v. 1.
No waves or floods can disturb the throne of God.
But often we don’t look high enough.
We see the floods, but we don’t see God.
We see the waves getting higher and higher, and we don’t lift up our eyes by faith and see the eternal, established, secure, strong throne of God.
He heard God’s testimonies!!
He didn’t listen to the sound of the waves.
Today, you might hear a lot of threatening sounds.
Don’t pay any attention to them.
“Your testimonies are very sure.” v. 5.
The psalmist heard God’s testimonies and said, “I can trust the Word of God.”
He remembered God’s trust-worthiness!!!
Peter when he walked on the water.Matt. 14:28-31.
He took his eyes off the Lord and forgot His promise.
Jesus said to him, “Come!”
That’s all Peter needed.
He should have said to himself, “If Jesus says, ‘Come,’ I can come!”
His commandments are always His empowerments!
God’s throne is established!
And His testimony is sure!!
When you see the flood approaching-
Lift your eyes higher to see the throne of God.
Open your ears to hear His Word.
Fearing any flood?
Put your faith to work and trust His promises of power and protection!