Ends of the earth!

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
I read about a man not long ago who started a mission organization at the age of 65.
He does a lot of pastoral training around the globe, including several training seminars in China each year.
During his most recent trip to China, the man was teaching a group of pastors when they were interrupted by Chinese officials.
He was detained and held for questioning, his visa was suspended, and his passport was confiscated.
After eight hours of questioning, he was released and allowed to leave the country.
His future access to China is unknown right now, but he is pressing on.
Less than two weeks after this he was en route to Romania to continue his work!
Our Lord has commanded us to take His message to the ends of the earth!
Not all of us can go to China.
But there’s no excuse for not being involved in missionary work on some level.
Chances are your church sponsors mission trips or missionary families or both.
Find out what you can do to get involved in those areas.
Or you could look online for any number of independent mission groups who could use your support.
Support doesn’t have to mean going or even giving financially.
Prayers are just as important as dollars.
Countless people in the field have seen great provision through the support of prayer warriors at home.
And don’t forget that the mission field includes your neighborhood or place of work!
If you can’t go to China-
– you still can go next door.
Pray that God would present you with an opportunity-
– to be directly involved with missionary efforts.