Game With God

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses,neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15).
A father came home one day and walked in on his two children who were in the midst of a fight.
When the little girl looked up,she knew she was in trouble.
Right away, she turned on some crocodile tears, came over to her daddy, and said, “Daddy, I’m so sorry. We shouldn’t have been fighting. Forgive me. I love you Daddy.”
She was in her daddy’s arms and he was thinking, she really has a good spirit about this.
But, then he looked out the corner of his eye and she was sticking her tongue out at her little brother.
Her father said, “You can’t hug my neck and stick your tongue out at the same time.”
Are playing a game with God?
And holding a grudge against somebody?
Do you have that kind of heart today?
Do you think God receives your worship?
It’s time to get it right!
Your unforgiving spirit is going to do more damage to you-
– than it will ever do to the person you refuse to forgive and reconcile!
If there is someone who has sinned against you, forgive that person.
If there is someone who has something against you, go to him and reconcile.
If not-
You will be gossipping, slandering or spreading rumors in the name of sharing.
Get reconciled!
Then go to worship!
Read Matthew 5:23-24.