Depend Upon Divine Revelation

Faith is God’s way to live and reason is man’s way.
But faith and man’s ability to rationalize are often in conflict.
It’s not that faith is unreasonable.
– nor am I suggesting that you ignore your responsibility to think.
On the contrary, we are required by God to think and choose.
God is a rational God and He does work through our ability to reason.
The problem is that our ability to reason is limited.
The Lord said: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:9.
We are incapable of determining God’s thoughts through human reasoning.
Therefore we must depend upon divine revelation!
So we can live God’s way:
– operating by faith, which I like to call Plan A.
Or we can live our way:
– operating by our limited ability to reason, which is Plan B.
Solomon urged us always to live God’s way when he wrote:
“Do not lean on your own understanding” (Plan B),
– but “in all your ways acknowledge Him” (Plan A). Proverbs 3:5,6.
The strength of Plan A in your life is determined by your personal conviction that God’s way is always right and by how committed you are to obey Him.
The strength of Plan B is determined by the amount of time and energy you invest in entertaining thoughts which are contrary to God’s Word.
You may really know God’s way is best.
But the moment you begin to entertain thoughts or ideas which are contrary to God’s Word, you have established Plan B as an escape route in case Plan A should fail.
Is it rational to choose our way over God’s way?