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Day: January 7, 2019

No Other Plans

No Other Plans

“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).

There is a legend which recounts the return of Jesus to glory after his time on earth.

Even in heaven he bore the marks of his earthly pilgrimage with its cruel cross and shameful death. The angel Gabriel approached him and said, “Master, you must have suffered terribly for men down there.”

“I did,” he said.

“And,” continued Gabriel, “do they know all about how you loved them and what you did for them?”

“Oh, no,” said Jesus, “not yet. Right now only a handful of people in Palestine know.”

Gabriel was perplexed. “Then what have you done to let everyone know about your love for them?”

Jesus said, “I’ve asked Peter, James, John, and a few more friends to tell other people about me. Those who are told will in turn tell still other people, and my story will be spread to the farthest reaches of the globe. Ultimately, all of mankind will have heard about my life and what I have done.”

Gabriel frowned and looked rather skeptical. He knew well what poor stuff men were made of. “Yes,” he said, “but what if Peter and James and John grow weary? What if the people who come after them forget? Haven’t you made any other plans?”

Jesus answered, “I have no other plans. I’m counting on them.”

Twenty centuries later, he still has no other plan. He’s counting on you and me. High on God’s “To Do” list is the evangelization of the world. His early disciples adopted his priorities and devoted themselves to reaching their world.

Christ counted on them, and they delivered. Have we done as well?

(taken from “Lifestyle Evangelism: Learning to Open Your Life to Those Around You” by Joe Aldrich, Multnomah Press).