
This story comes from a Christian school teacher.
Having rehearsed, she felt brave enough to take the students for caroling.
They went to a number of places where the people were homebound.
After each place, the children talked about how the older folks had smiled as they sang.
The children had never seen such smiles.
The wandering concert ended up in the community’s only nursing home.
There, the teacher, with her charges in tow, wandered the hallways giving a song at the doorway of each resident.
Only then did she notice that one of her more enthusiastic singers had rewritten the words to one of the songs.
Where he was supposed to be singing-
“Noel, Noel” (Noel, meaning Christmas or Christmastide),
– he was belting out, for all to hear:
“No hell, no hell, born is the King of Israel.”
I like the boy’s interpretation.
“No hell” certainly explains the purpose of Christ’s coming, doesn’t it?
Because God’s Son came into this world-
– all who believe on Him no longer have to fear sin, death, the devil, or hell.
Because of Jesus-
– all who believe in Him as Saviour know they need not fear hell.
The job is done; our redemption is complete.
Believers have God’s Good News of great joy that the angels first announced to the Bethlehem shepherds.
Christians have a Saviour-
Christ the Lord!
It is regretful that so many people seem to question-
– the reality, the completeness, and the truth of Jesus atonement.
If you are among those who are looking-
– let me assure you that Jesus’ work is real, total, and effective.
Like the little boy-
– you can believe that because of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection, there is, for you, no hell.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned…” (John 3:16-18)