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Month: December 2018

Claim These Promises

Claim These Promises

At the close of the year, march forward with these promises of God:

I will always love you           Jer 31:3

I will be with you                   Isa 43:2; Matt 28:20

I will provide for you             Ps 81:10

I will hear your prayer         Jer 29:12

I will answer your prayer   Jer 33:3

I will do it                               John 14:13

I will strengthen you            Isa 41:10

I will help you                        Isa 14:13

I will deliver you                    Ps 50:15

I will give you rest                 Matt 11:28

I will give you peace              John 14:27

I will prepare a place for you John 14:2

I will deliver, protect, answer, be with you, rescue, honor, satisfy, show you My salvation Ps 91:14-16

Remember, the future is as bright as the promises of God.

Move forward courageously. God will bless you.