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Day: November 29, 2018

Become a Better Person

Become a Better Person

In his book, Men in Midlife Crisis-

Jim Conway uses the Chinese definition of the word, “crisis,” which means “opportunity and danger.”

Life has many crises!

How we navigate through these turbulent waters means-

– the difference in a shipwrecked life or a life of victory.

You may be in the middle of a crisis or you may face one in the future.

It can be a dangerous time, but also a time for great opportunity.

The danger is to panic and make rash decisions with negative long-term consequences.

The opportunity is to depend on God for strength.

To do this calls for:

  • Prayer in seeking God’s grace and strength.
  • Bible study in seeking God’s guidance and will.
  • Obedience in seeking God’s glory and honour.

Trust God to guide you through the storm!

Take things one day at a time for Jesus said:

“Don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Are you in a crisis?

It’s a time of great danger and opportunity.

Be aware of the dangers, but don’t retreat from the crisis.

Become a better person in the process by His grace and help!