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Day: November 7, 2018

Join me in my struggle

Join me in my struggle

“I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ…to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me” (Romans 15:30).

To be a missionary in today’s world-

One has to separate himself from the I-want-it-now culture we live in.

Results on the mission field can be slow going!

So it’s not uncommon for missionaries to retire having seen but a handful of conversions during their entire career.

This fact is enough to discourage many people-

– from ever becoming full-time missionaries.

But for those who have heard their Divine calling to missions-

– nothing—not even the lack of apparent progress

– or the constant persecution—can keep them from fulfilling their task.

One reason they are able to push on is that-

– they have Christian brothers and sisters faithfully supporting them through prayer.

Fellow believers!

We should never underestimate the power of our words offered up to God-

– on behalf of the brave souls on the mission field.

God hears those words and grants His workers the ability-

– to remain encouraged and faithful to the cause.

Prayer for our missionaries is tantamount to the work itself!

American missionary Samuel Zwemer once said:

“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.”

Remember us in your prayers-

– that we grow not weary in well doing!