Fail to forgive?

Fail to forgive?

One of the most grateful testimonies of the joy of forgiveness is Psalm 32.

In which David expresses both the pain of unforgiven sin and the pleasure of forgiveness.

He suffered greatly for his sins of adultery, abuse of power, cover-up and murder, all resulting from his lust of Bathsheba.

Covering sin brings pain.

But forgiveness is a joy.

In 2 Samuel 17 there is a subtle but striking contrast between-

– the forgiven man, David,

– and the unforgiving man, Ahithophel.

The first part of the contrast is obvious.

David had sinned, repented and found forgiveness but suffered from the effects of his deed.

The second part is not as obvious.

Ahithophel was David’s best counsellor, whose advice “was like that of one who inquires of God” (2 Sam 16:23).

But when Absalom rebelled, Ahithophel changed sides.

He became the counsellor of the king’s son.

The reason for his betrayal is found in the genealogies.

In 2 Samuel 23:34 it is record that Ahithophel had a son, Eliam.

In 2 Samuel 11:3 Eliam’s daughter is mentioned-Bathsheba.

David’s adultery was with Ahithophel’s granddaughter.

When the opportunity came, Ahithophel joined the rebellion against the adulterer who had murdered his granddaughter’s husband, Uriah.

While David had found forgiveness,

Ahithophel had not forgiven.


It is possible to be forgiven by God but not by God’s people.


Ahithophel’s course led to suicide, while David died peacefully

-a striking contrast between the forgiven and the unforgiving.

And a pointed lesson, aimed at our hearts, when we fail to forgive!

Who are you most like, the forgiven man or the unforgiving man?

Ask God to help you be one who forgives.

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