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Month: August 2018

He is far more!

He is far more!

Sunbeam from clouds

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:25-32).

Just as Simeon was lingering and waiting for the first appearance of the Messiah more than two thousand years ago-

– we too linger and wait for the second coming of Jesus today.

The Lord whom we exalt at Christmas-

– is not just a baby in a manger or a character in a child’s storybook.

He is far more!

The first time He came-

He was veiled in the form of a child.

The next time He comes, which will be soon,

He will come as the Risen Messiah and Savior of the world.

And it will be made known to the entire world who He truly is.

The first time He came-

– a star marked His arrival.

The next time He comes-

– the clouds will roll up like a scroll,

– the stars will fall out of the sky,

– and He Himself will light the heavens.

The first time He came-

– wise men and shepherds brought Him gifts.

The second time He comes-

He will bring rewards for His own.

The first time He came-

– there was no room for Him at the inn.

The next time He comes-

– the whole world will not be able to contain His glory.

The first time He came-

– only a few were there to welcome Him into the world.

The next time He comes-

– every eye shall see Him,

– every knee shall bow before Him,

– and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The first time He came as a baby.

But soon He will come as Sovereign King and Lord.

Are you ready for Him to come again?

Pray that God would prepare your heart and mind for His second coming.

Ask the Lord to bring to mind those in your life who need to know Him personally as Lord and Saviour, and make an effort to share Christ with them today.