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Day: April 9, 2018

Seasoned With Salt!

Seasoned With Salt!

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Colossians 4:6).

Learn an interesting lesson from snails.

They are made with teeth on their tongues.

A well-known scientist examined a snail’s tongue under a microscope and counted 30,000 teeth.

Usually the snail keeps his tongue rolled up like a ribbon.

But when needed, it sticks it out and the teeth do their damage.

Sometimes people have teeth on their tongues, too-

– that can snap, bite, and inflict damage.

The Bible tells us to let our speech always be with grace.

Not sometimes!

But always, according to this verse.

And we shouldn’t be boring.

The phrase “seasoned with salt” specifically refers to salt’s power-

– not as a preservative, but as a seasoning.

Salt keeps food from tasting bland or insipid.

It makes a dish flavourful and enjoyable.

That’s the way our talk should be.

Don’t be biting or boring in your conversations today.

Be edifying and interesting, knowing how to answer each one.

May God take control of our tongues.

Guard your lips from telling lies.

Speak the truth in love!