Let’s take the leap of faith!

Let’s take the leap of faith!

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

We’ve all heard the word “nesting.”
But have we ever taken a close look at true nesting in action?

When a mother eagle starts building her nest, she begins using items we wouldn’t at all expect for such a job-
– sharp thorns, broken branches, rocks.

Later, she places on top of it a layer of wool, feathers, and fur from animals she has killed, making it soft and comfortable for her eggs.

Her eggs eventually hatch and her little ones grow to flying age.
As with any creature, growing up is never an easy thing.

That’s precisely when mom begins “stirring up the nest.”
With her strong talons, she begins pulling up the thick carpet of fur and feathers, bringing the sharp rocks and branches to the surface.

As more of the bedding gets plucked up-
– the nest becomes more uncomfortable for the young eagles.

Eventually, this and other urgings prompt the little eagles to leave their once-comfortable abode-
– and move on to bigger and better things like learning to fly
– and eventually making homes and families for themselves.

Some of us may have gotten a little too comfortable in our nests.
We’ve had all the warmth, comfort and free meals we could want but all good things come to better things, with the Lord!

It’s time we learned to fly!

Let’s not be bitter at the Lord-
– for plucking up our comfortable nests.

He wants us to be all that we can be!

He wants us to accomplish all the things He has for us-
– to reach our fullest potential
– to experience the amazing sensation of flying,
– even soaring, high above our problems and issues and whatever other distractions hold us back from growing up in Him.

Let’s take the leap of faith!
There’s so much work to be done!


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