Disappointed Recently?

In the year 1920, young Oswald Smith stood before the examining board for the selection of missionaries.
He had wanted to be a missionary for as long as he could remember, and for all that time had been crying out to God that He might open a door for him to do so.
Finally, his time had come.
Smith had not met the missionary board’s qualifications and was turned down for service.
After a time of disappointment, he decided that if he couldn’t be a missionary, he would build a church which would raise up some.
And that is precisely what he did.
The church he planted sent out more missionaries than any other church of its time.
And God used Oswald Smith mightily for His Kingdom.
This is what happens when we don’t let our circumstances rule us.
Have you been disappointed recently?
Not all our hopes and expectations come to pass like we think they should.
Let’s not let it get us down.
Surely God has something better!
Continue to seek.
Continue to knock.
Continue to ask.
Continue to get revelation.
We need to be walking in victory!
There’s so much work to be done!!