Emulate Him

A believer can be intellectually certain about a lot of things without necessarily putting them into practice.
But saying “I’m a follower of Jesus Christ” narrows life down to a single path.
How can we follow the path to which God calls you?
We must stay with Him (John 14:1).
Because we will not follow someone we don’t trust.
Trust develops as we abide in Him-
– and discover the beauty of His character, the depth of His love, and the perfection of His plan.
We must submit to Him (John 14:15).
When it comes to obeying God, there are only two responses:
I will or I won’t.
A true follower of Jesus combines trust with obedience, endeavouring to say-
“Yes, I will” when it’s difficult,
“Yes, I will” when it’s unpopular, and
“Yes, I will” even when it may cause heartache or suffering.
We must serve Him (1 Peter 2:9-12).
As God’s children-
– we are not to be observers;
Spectators sit and watch-
– but we are called to use our spiritual gifts and serve continually.
In the Body of Christ-
– each member is called to do his or her part (1 Corinthians. 12:27-28).
– was/is with His Father eternally,
– obeyed sacrificially (Philippians 2:8),
– and lived a life of service (Matthew. 20:28).
We are called to emulate Him! (1 Peter 2:9-12).
In which of those areas do you need to follow Christ more closely?
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a trusting servant’s heart and an obedient spirit.