Browsed by
Day: October 6, 2015

Glow with His glory!

Glow with His glory!

“I will pour out My Spirit on the house of Israel” (Ezekiel 39:29).

The upper room has been described as “the birthplace of the church.”

Certainly it was there that power was loosed which changed the world.

The upper room was part of someone’s home-

– someone sympathetic to Jesus and His ministry.

Why did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples in a home-

– and not in a sacred place such as the temple?

If the Holy Spirit had come upon them in the temple-

– then His coming would have been associated with a sacred place, sacred services, or sacred occasions.

The Holy Spirit came in the most common of all places-

– a home, as if He was saying,

– “I am here not just for ‘sacred’ occasions,

– but for all occasions, for all of life!”

The Holy Spirit is not a spiritual luxury-

– to be imported into the unusual-

– but a spiritual necessity for the usual!

He is to be the pulse-beat of all we do-

– the usual as well as the unusual,

– the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.

In the coming of the Holy Spirit, the ordinary and seemingly insignificant things of life are touched with divine significance:

– every bush is aflame with the glory of God,

– every moment is packed with eternity, and

– every contact we make is part of His perfect purposes.

I am so thankful to God that I don’t have to wander from sacred place to sacred place in search of His power.

He comes to me just where I am until my heart glows with His glory!
