Why is the Empty Tomb So Glorious?
“And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6).
Why is the empty tomb so glorious? Empty tomb! Easter triumph!!
Because it signifies more than just the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead. He raised you, too!
– to walk “in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).
I have come out of that grave. I have ascended. You have, too, if you are saved. Where is Christ today?
Seated in the heavenlies. Where are you seated? In the same place (Eph 2:6-9).
You don’t have to die to go to heaven. In Christ
– You are already seated in the heavenlies right now!
We encourage our brothers and sisters by telling them-
– to keep looking up, when we should be saying, “Keep looking down!”
You’re already seated in the heavenlies! So you can look down on your problems!! You have a brand new life!
Take a moment and ask God to give you a brand new life! Or thank Him for
the one He has already given you!!